Pushed to Date

Family and friends often want to see a single person happily settled in a long term relationship. Rather than allowing it to happen naturally, they try to help match them up. This is awkward and a burden for the single person. They know what they want, and they prefer to find the right person on their own terms. Being pushed by friends and family is generally a source of irritation to them.

While people often mean well, they are not considering the feelings of the person they are trying to match with a stranger. There is nothing worse than being invited for dinner only to find a person has been invited to “even up the table”. It is awkward for both of the people involved in this circumstance. The single friend or relative may resent the person they are matched with for dinner. They might refuse to make conversation or be unable to relate to them. Neither of these people will have a good time if this is the case.

Families often search high and low to find a mate for a loved one, and they will use family occasions and holidays to push someone at the single person. If the person is not interested a date, this spoils the occasion for everyone. Sometimes a person will choose to make the occasion pleasant for everyone by cooperating. This may give the potential date the wrong impression, and they may be hurt when they find out the truth.

The old saying goes that there is someone for everyone, and this may be true. It does not matter unless a person is ready for a date. Pushing a single person to settle down by foisting dates on them generally has a negative effect. Friends and families must be cautious and subtle when matching couples without their permission.